This trip was "born" in the shadows of Tibet when Kev suggested that he'd love to cycle UK & Europe or more specifically " anywhere where I don't have to thaw out my jocks prior to putting them on"!.
Kev's wish list now granted was whittled down from 5 years of non stop cycling to something a little more manageable i.e. 8,000 km's over 3 months across the UK and 6 European countries! The over riding criteria set by Kev was that wherever we went it had to be pretty speccy !
Well "speccy" it most definitely is with our UK leg taking in some magnificent cycle scenery heading across Exmoor, the Peak District, the Pennines, Ireland, the Glens of Scotland and even out to the remote wilderness area of the Outer Hebrides where reported winds apparently challenge those of Tibet in ferocity .... terrific !
Our adventure officially becomes an epic when we fly to Munich and ride from Berchtesgaden beside the Bavarian Alps and along the Loire river to Amboise France to join up with fellow Warby's and dear friends Viv and Linton who have planned a magnificent leg through the Loire and the Dordogne southwards to Barcelona - what a trip that will be !
Aiding us in France will be my sister Kim who although not a rider is damned good at charades (will come in handy) and has all the essential driving skills (both good and bad as my memory serves me) for driving in Europe !
Our finale after flying from Barcelona to Milan will be a 2 week journey riding over the Swiss Alps (and many squiggly lines) back into Switzerland and along the Rhine river into Germany before training it to Paris for a few days R&R and then flying home.
I can honestly say having spent 4 weeks with Kev in confined spaces in tents in the wilds of Tibet that he is a great travelling buddy - only occassionally complaining about things like the cold, the food, the people, the customs, the weather ... oh and did I say the cold !
I feel our friendship is likely to become even greater on this trip based on a few pics of accommodation bookings I have seen that show beds looking ominously close together !
With only 6 weeks to go the countdown has begun - I look forward to sharing our amazing experience with you !
Cheers - Mega Mike !
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