Friday, 23 September 2011

Just a laugh !

Some of the more recent significant moments on tour !

Mega - When asked by KH about conditions in the Outer Hebrides to Stornaway said "that was the day we had the headwind behind us"!

KH - "This is bullshit" when he had to leave all his fruit behind at the checkout in Barcelona when he didn't realize you had to weigh and wrap the fruit yourself prior to the checkout!

Linton - his magnificent impersonation of Michael Caine in the old film the Italian Job when driving the van at speed down footpaths in Figueres!

KH - having succeeded in ordering a salad sandwich or baguette in every place we've visited by using complicated hand charades and quasi English!

The sight of the 5 of us looking at a guy putting in petrol in his car in France with us tring to work out how to use the fuel pump - we scared the hell out of the guy!

Linton - accidentally putting the car into reverse at a traffic light and heading off backwards as he accelerated the van!

KH - the sweep on our out of control canoe zig zagging down the Dordogne saying - "I've got ut all under control"!

Kim - Doing us all a favor by whacking KH on the head every time she tried to stroke her
paddle in the water!

France - The land of com ce com ca - wins the award for the most number of shops on consecutive days not open - what the hell are they doing !

Kim - Successfully blocking the equivalent of the M1 ( for carts and horses) in St Sulspice when she got the van stuck on an impossibly steep corner -in the hour she was there we did
not see another vehicle !

Viv - having to run uphill to get into bed in Carennac with the steeply sloping uphill floorboards from the 15th c

The boys - having to carry bike boxes through Barcelona for 5 kms after finding our one and only bike shop - if the first box missed we usually got people with the 2nd or 3rd!

KH - convinced on descent in a cable car that lights on a nearby sports field were in fact the lights for Barcelona Airport - directing air traffic into a hill!!!

Linton - philosophical when told Collingwood down 3 goals at 3/4 time and absolutely orgasmic when Jonesy's text told him about their 3 point win!

The green walk lights at Barcelona pedestrian crossings that go red after just 2 flashes
requiring pedestrians to run or be run over!

Viv with her flashing red love glades (bought for 3 euro) telling Linton he was in for some fun if he put on his matching ones in bed!

Life you've got to laugh !!!


  1. So what are we going to do with our time now that the reports cease?

  2. Dear Anonymous, never fear, there's still les alpes!!

    Kev: automatic/self service checkouts are being installed at a rapid rate throughout Aus - Diamo is on the agenda. Better get used to it!!

    McCartney: 4 consecutive premiership coach - at Ocean Grove! Sacre bleu!

    Winton d'Montmorency
