Saturday, 8 October 2011

Day 95 - Paris

You'd have thought we would have learnt first time about not training or transiting through Paris with push bikes!

We arrived with little sleep but thankfully having experienced a much milder cabin temperature after the oppressive heat of our last journey!

Any Paris main railway station can be a nightmare at times, trying to find an info area, trying to find someone who speaks English and trying in our case to work out yet again how to get from one side of Paris to the other this timevby way of the Bastille!

We tried initially for a taxi but it was impossible to get anyone even willing to take our pushbikes. After a frustrating hour we rode through Paris to reach Gare de Lyon and with panniers then navigate the steep steps that took us to RER line A

30 mins later we were wandering in the cold lost just like the old days trying to find our hotel which ended up being only 50 metres away.

We slmost made the hotel before a drooling KH spotted a patissiere full of baquettes! With the French reknowned for their 4 hour lunches we decided to get in quick before the doors shut.

Relieved to finally make our hotel we can sit back and plan a few days of sightseeing providing of course that we can find some bike boxes and then work out how to get them back and to the airport !

1 comment:

  1. Mike: bike boxes. I recall a large bike shop on Ave de la Grand Armee, right hand side past Metro Argentine a couple of hundred metres. (not far past Arc de triomphe

    Wonderful leadlight and stained glass (be it religious) Sainte Chapelle not far from Notre Dame


    Winton d'Montmorency
