Wednesday 14 September 2011

Day 69 - Carennac to St Cere - 52kms

Waking up brought all sorts of stories from the crew about the fitful sleep caused by the unusual bed angles of the sloping bedrooms.

Viv, Linton and KH (intent on getting some easy kms) headed off cycling through nearby hills and valleys for an exploration ride and touched on some beautiful scenery riding through villages that were not only 1000 years old but provided for sweeping panoramic views of the Dordigne area.

Kim and I took in the nearby spectacle of Padirac a giant sink hole that required descends 75 meters below ground to almost another world! From there it's a 700 metre boat tour through an amazing cave complex with massive stalactites some up to 70 meters in length. You ride awestruck looking at the caverns roof in parts nearly 300 meters high hoping like he'll that today is not the day that a chunk of it decides to let go!

It's a long way down !

This was a perfect intro day with both cyclists and selves reporting on the beauty of this region once the forward battle line between the French and the British during the 100 year war.

We're all looking forward to more exploring!

Kim, Mike, Linton and Viv in beautiful Carennac  

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