Monday, 8 August 2011

Day 34 - FivePenny to Ullapool - 50 kms

We staggered out of our b&b about 5 kgs heavier after last nights huge dinner and this mornings equally large breakfast to be confronted by what we felt was a strong Hebridean wind only to be told by locals it was more a breeze
as it didn't qualify as wind until it hit 80+ mph which apparently is pretty frequent !

Mercifully it was a tailwind and with spinakkers set we literally flew to Stornaway (50kms) in well under 2 hours.
View from B&B in Ullapool

With Henley making a late run for the yellow jersey and not getting lost on the single road I meandered along capturing film when I saw 3 cyclists doing it real hard into the wind I was so obviously enjoying - it wasn't till I nearly on them that I recognized the 3 as the young pissheads who woke me up at 230am back in Leverburgh drunk and intent on talking for another hour or two - oh how I believe in Karma as i shouted "should be going the other way guys"!
before cycling off.

In the meantime Henley had completed his first stage win and was busy signing autographs by the time I'd entered a now damned cold Stornaway - about 13C with strong wind chill and this is the middle of summer!

We boarded the late running ferry for the 2 1/2 hour trip across big swells that made the boat feel like a rollercoaster as it plowed through the heavy seas with yes KH fast alseep !

The entry to Ullapool harbour was spectacular surrounded by high Mtns and hills. We disembarked to find our B&B pretty easily on the shore of the harbour and figured  that tommorrow may not be so easy !     

1 comment:

  1. Mike, don't complain about the weather. Have a look at a map and you'll see that the Arctic Circle is not that far away - and getting closer. Brrrrrrr!

    You are both doing extremely well and the blog is great.


    McColl of Appin
