Monday, 29 August 2011

Day 52 - Halbech to Rettenberg - 74kms

As predicted sleep overnight was nearly impossible and I chose simply sitting out in the open and startling other guests who ventured outside with the same idea.

We were glad to be on the road, cable ties were in place but a slow leak delayed departure and required the fitting of my first tube on tour.

The early scenery was superb as we cycled on busy cycle paths past the imposing castles of Neuschwantein and Schwangau the magnificent legacies of King Ludwig II.

We mingled with the crowds as we briefly wandered through the narrow and historic streets of Fussen before heading out across endless green fields criss crossed with paths of various cycling routes.


With my brakes barely working (been into 3 shops with mechanics indicating they were too busy - more likely they had little idea of how to replace the disc pads)  KH watched me take a sudden right turn on a down hill to avoid a hairpin on the path cutting my own swathe through an open paddock to slow me down. The ever vigilant Kev said "I didn't think the path went that way"! This was a warning sign that I had to get my brakes fixed immediately.

The heatwave was back in force so at 74kms we sought out accommodation in pretty Rettenberg in a local guest house with thankfully a cool room (a/con doesn't exist) backing straight on to a smelly & noisy farm shelter!

Kev near Fussen

We had dinner at a nearby Italian establishment and in true Aussie fashion KH showed how much he appreciated the food by loudly breaking wind approaching our accommodation! The orchestral
noises had just finished when conversation started up apparently there had been a group of Germans sitting in the dark about 5 metre away eating!

Ps Kev learnt his first German word on trip when he asked how far Radweg was from the Bodinsee as all the signs we'd been following were headed Bodinsee Radweg - I explained to Kev that Radweg wasn't a town but in fact German for cycle route ..!!!!

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