Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Kevs World!

With the Conigsee to Bodinsee epic behind us all our efforts are focused on getting to Heidelberg before our train journey to Paris , and for that reason we have really been putting in the hard yards - can you believe we had two monstrous days on the bike of 55 and 46 km so fatigue is really a telling factor  .  A rest day today in Nurtingen was therefore fully deserved ( are they sniggers i can hear in the background ).
My trip could have come to a very abrupt end when hooning down a hill at 60kph i could feel a bumping in my rear tyre and from previous experience i knew exactly what it was - my tyre was splitting around the rim and a bulge was appearing just cherry ripe to burst , so i was a bit careful after that limiting my hooning to 55kph .
Mike's brake problems have been fixed thankfully because i was getting tired of following him across open grass paddocks in his deviation exploits thinking it doesn't look right but he has all the maps and knows where he's going - i find it much simpler to ride on the bitumen . Off -road no.2 was captured on his headcam so should make for comical viewing .
 Our trip to the Bodinsee took us through many villages , some less than 1km apart , separated by lush green rolling pastures - the amazing part is there no fences in those pastures so who owns what is anyones guess . In each of these villages the houses , some many hundreds of years old , are impeccably maintained and presented with large planter boxes of predominantly red flowers at the base of each window - houses without these flowers looked decidedly plain in comparison .
I am resisting fairly well the urge to attack the delicious array of cakes on offer but it is taking all my willpower- needless to say when Viv arrives the threat of bodily harm if i refuse to partake will over-ride my willpower . Litchy is showing admirable properties of  "will " power also when ordering his cake , will it be this one or that one - one slab substitutes for a 3 course meal .
In the past 5 years i would have had a handful of beers but Litchfield has corrupted me into ordering a half litre nearly every mealbefore dinner - a spell at AA could be on if this continues . After oür Greek meal last night the waitress bought out a complimentary shot of OUZO so that turned the nasal hairs curly when we threw it down .
Bobbert Leedham , now i know what you had to put up with for 3 weeks in NZ with Litchy's exploding suitcase , he has bought 2 exploding panniers which seem to go off every night , must be the same brand .His method of unpacking is simple and uncomplicated - pick up the pannier at the bottom and tip out the contents , the biblical system then applies ie:seek and you shall find . Works perfectly every time - chaos reigns supreme . On the odd occasion when staff have seen our room they have assumed a ransacking has occurred has taken place and got the hell out of there .My side is impeccably tidy - well sorta kinda anyway.
It's been an amazing trip so far with some really tough sections , in UK mainly , and now we are being repaid in kind by the flatter beautiful countryside in Germany .
The tough part is yet to come when Viv and Linton demand we do anything up to 25km per day in France to reach the next coffee shop - will be tiring but i'm sure we can manage .
Stay well and keep cycling or anything , you never know what's around the corner .
Best Wishes to Everyone


  1. Kev, a very nice read and pleased that you are now being able to enjoy the journey. I can now envisage flowered boxes at No 11 Perversi, And very nice they shall be and will compliment your garden, which incidently, is looking lovely.

    au revoir

    Winton d'Montmorency

  2. Kev you are a legend a career in journalism awaits you on your return.
    While you 2 silly buggers are slogging it out on the continent I am luxuriating at Noosa having not ridden even 100 metres in a week, I'll bet you wish you were here.
    The cakes here are magnificent and I am not afraid to sample them being slim as I am.
    So get into them for if you return looking slim we might not recognise you.
    Regards to you both, Bobbert.
