Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Day 36 - Kinlochervie to Tongue - 80kms

And there was one !

Rain, windchill, headwinds, climbs and more rain transpired to make our penultimate day on the UK bike ride one of endurance !

Cycling started in the rain with a series of climbs that took us into open moorland with outlines of mountains hidden in cloud and mist. Henley had recovered enough from yesterday to predict that this was going to be one "shite" of a day!

The push into Durness at the 30km mark battled crosswinds and headwinds where we arrived looking like drowned rats to gather food and enquire about the rumour of a 20km detour into Tongue because of its bridge closure - directly opposite the youth hostel we were booked into!

Great Coastal scenery was caught out of the corner of out eyes as bullet like rain ripped into our faces leaving Durness. The climbing began again in earnest while a 20km ride looping a Mtn framed loch took us no further than 1 km as the crow flies in a straight line.

This was the real wild Scotland that McColl of Appin was so keen for us to experience - cold, miserable weather but something about being in such wild terrain that
made this special!

It was just about impossible to stop without freezing your A off although KH did for obligatory 3 nani' sandwich!

Fearing the worst we approached the causeway to Tongue - to avoid the 20km detour KH had prepared a plea based on his age, medical condition (believable) and the fact he follows a crap football team hoping the workers would take pity and allow him over the bridge!

As it was bike riders were allowed to cross so at 80kms, drenched and freezing we were both pretty ecstatic to call it a day and head for a warm shower at the Y.

So there you have it 2600kms travelled and 140kms to go or more accurately 110 to the finish line at John o'Groats and another 30kms to our accommodation at Wick.

For the record KH will cross the line on his 64th birthday a pretty amazing effort by the youngfella!

Ps any suggestion that the 140kms to be conducted on KHs birthday was deliberately planned are scandalous although when Kev told me when his birthday was when over I did raise an evil grin!


  1. What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday.I can think of other ways which may be more pleasant. So it is 64 now but next year KH will officially be an old fart, what country will he be in then? We have had less rain in our winter than you have had this summer,if you come home bitter and twisted I will understand. So Kevvie have a happy birthday and remember no too much cake?
    Regards Bobbert.

  2. I have been following your progress religiously every day and am proud of your achievement. It seems the weather has not been kind to you but I hope the finale and Kev's birthday is celebrated in more acceptable conditions. Congratulations to you both. Take care.
